This site may contain small amounts of flashing lights that could be uncomfortable for some users.
Welcome to my corner of the internet. This is a personal site dedicated to mostly myself and my interests, with occasional interludes. You can learn more about the webmaster by clicking on the purple door in the Nexus to the right.
This website is intended to be accessible by screen reader users and people with photosensitivity, and I would like to implement a button that switches the font to something more dyslexia-friendly in the future. However, I am an ameteur coder and may miss things or not be able to implement accessibility features as easily as I would like to. I do apologize for that, and I am always trying to improve.
This site is still in development, and things may change between visits. You can look at the 'Recent Changes to this Page' box below to find out what's new.
Please enjoy your stay, and come back soon :-)
[This slot is reserved for my good friend Oz when his site is ready.]
Spooky (spookynerd.jpg)
This site is part of the RPGMaker Webring!
This is my button if you'd like to link my site to yours!
Here's a larger version too.
For your listening pleasure.
Yume 2kki OST- Lamplit Stones
Yume 2kki OST- Wooded Lakeside (Train)
Yume 2kki OST- Snowy Pipe Organ
Daneshevskaya- Dr. Johann Averies
Gregory and the Hawk- Oats We Sow
The Dear Hunter- His Hands Matched His Tongue (Acoustic Live)